Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good Food!

I'm always behind time. This time, I'm blogging about an outing that I went 3 Saturdays ago.

Posing for a picture because Rane insisted on taking a photo.

The ever-so-excited Posh.

Rane decided to bring us to this new place call K9 Campus. It comprises of a grooming salon, a dog school, a dog hotel, a dog bakery and a cafe (that is dog friendly!)

Posh can't resist the 'free smells' at the cafe.

We were lucky to get a slice of free cake each from a doggy who was celebrating his birthday.

However, I don'tcan cakes, pastries and biscuits. Rane says I'm a fussy dog.

Meanwhile, Posh was enjoying every single bit of it.

And she left some remnants of the cake on my head!

Lots of it in fact! What a messy eater she was.

The birthday boy! We are sorry we didn't catch your name. Neither do we know how old you are. Nonetheless, we'll still like to wish you a nice and wonderful barkday. Happy Birthday!

A close up of the cake.

Rane decided that Posh should not be eating two slices of cake.

Thus, she coaxed me into eating by baby feeding me. How could I not obliged?

The very greedy Posh.

Posh is willing to do anything for food.

Rane says Posh is such an easy victim for a dog-nap to take place.

As usual, Rane wanted both of us to pose for a picture.

We got bored indoors and Rane decided to let us out for a short run.

When the human food came, Posh couldn't stop smelling and staring at it!

How greedy can she be!

I decided to check out the garbage bag but was scolded instead! The human will never understand our love for trash. As the saying goes 'one man's meat is another man's poison'.

Then came out food. I was so hungry I forgot to ask for the name of this dish. I only tasted rice, vegetable and mutton.

Rane was ensuring that the temperature of food was just nice for us, just so that we will not be scalded.

And as usual, we had to pose with the food before we can eat.

Permission granted to eat!

We attracted the attention of other (human) patrons as we ate our meal. They couldn't stop commenting on how fast Posh gobbled her meal and how well mannered I was to eat demurely.

While I was halfway through the meal, Posh has already finished hers.

I had to double check that Posh finished every single bit of her food.

This collie just wouldn't spare Posh's butt!

A gorgeous husky.

An awesome sheltie.

All good thing comes to an end.

I can't wait for the next outing.

Dearest Rane, when will you ever be free to bring us out again!?!?!

Sweet Licks,
Sugar the Beagle