Sunday, August 24, 2008

Posh & Poo

Both Posh and I are trained to pee and poo in the playpen, just so that we can have the freedom of doing our businesses at our own leisure, instead of designated time of the day.

At the same time, the playpen also doubles up as our punishment grounds. When we do something wrong (or rather something that displeases the humans), we will be confined to the playpen and ignored all the time. I call it the Ice Palace.

While 'serving our time' we were given benefits like access to water. Posh decided to take 'revenge' one day by pooing into the water bowl. No, you did not hear me wrong. She POOED in her water bowl! How disgusting can she be!!!

Warning!!! Please do not scroll down if you've got a a low threshold for disgusting images.

Posh really thinks that she's a human and that her water bowl is the toilet bowl.

That very silly girl did not realise that her water bowl does not have a flushing system!


Cocoa the Beagle said...

OMDog!! Let's hope that's not Posh's new habit!

River said...

Hard to gross us out!! In fact, my mom does gross out contests at work and she always wins by talking about us! The worst we've seen was when she caught Bailey peeing in the big water bowl. No wonder nobody wanted to drink out of it. I hope Sugar is okay.

love & wags,

Kess And Her Mama said...

Sugar, As kah che, you'll have to show her the ropes.

Snoop Lim aka Noop Noop said...

haha Sugar your sissy is really a weird girl!

Anonymous said...

Madison took me to the pet store yesterday and I peed on a cat scratch pole. She was very upset but it just looked like a tree to me. What can I say I'm only 5 months old. I hope I never poop in my water dish. I don't know what Madison would do.


Ben & Darling said...

sorry sorry, I couldnt stop laughing...wakakkakkakaa

slurpy licks,

K Paris said...

I'm not sure if you will post this,
I am saying this out of respect for you and to give you food for thought.

I think what you do for all the animals you care comes from the best place in your heart.

The way I was taught to teach our dogs, is through games, treats, cuddles, we manage their environments to ensure they succeed, any mistake is ours. We humans have the capability to think of a solution. Dogs only have their natural instincts. If you show them from that gentle place in your heart (without force or punishment) they will be forever trying to learn what it is that you would like them to do.

In the end, there is no need for an area for them to be isolated or punished.

I would be more than happy to help you with any challenge you have. In turn, anything you can learn from me and incorporate into your life you will be able to share with others.

for example:
Time outs are very short 10- 30 sec's - or better yet have the dog in a downstay immediately in the place where something went wrong. While they are downstay, take the time to think about what you could do differently to communicate what you need them to do. Using games, enthusiasm, handsignals and they have a chance to get things right the second time and learn.
Taking a moment to think about how to communicate to them to try again and get things right and then reward them for getting it right ends the need for punishment or isolation (which does not teach them what to do).

It takes approximately 30-60 days for memory to go from short term to long term in dogs. So repetition is the only way they learn. They naturally will do what is rewarded most. So if you turn the tables and concentrate on making them succeed...they will learn faster you will spend more time being a cheerleader and snuggler then being the punisher.

kindest regards,


ie...TOILET area should never be associated with food/water/ sleeping should be completely separate from an eating or sleeping place. A toilet pen with nothing else in it. Another pen for sleeping, time out, eating, drinking.

Eating, Drinking where you pee or poo.....or using the toilet as a pillow.......what does that teach the dogs?

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my gosh! Harharharhar!!! You are sooo good Sugar & sooo silly!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mino said...

Heehee, i love the picture with the crimescene + Posh's innocent look!

