Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Have you noticed that I have added a new widget at the right column? Yes, it's the Google's Translator widget. You can actually try clicking on the small flags to try out the various languages that my blog post can be translated into.

I have been playing around the translation function. I had thought that adding the function will be good, as it will allow other readers who are less proficient in english to understand what I am trying to bark about. Most of the time, my translated blog posts do not seem to make much sense, as they are translated word for word. Other times, they just simply translated the words wrongly.

However, I do encourage you guys to try out the translation function. It really tickles you in the stomach, Like how 'Taxi Taxi' became '出租车出租车'which means rental of cars, and 'I am allergic to dogs' became '我有过敏狗' ; which means I have an allergic dog.

The worst was when I addressed my owner as my mistress. They literally translated it to '情妇', literally means my lover whom I have illicit relationships with.

Any other doggie friends out there who is able to read other languages that can be translated into? Care to share any funny or senseless words?

Oh ya, my 'new' name is 食糖格尔 (Shi2 Tang2 Ge2 E3); Sugar the Beagle.

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