Friday, April 11, 2008

Calender - April & May '08

A sample of our calenders in the month of April and May 2008.

Rane has decided to hone her photoshop cum fireworks skill, and decided to create a calender featuring us (Us = Furmily + Me).

As she has printed more than what we need, we have excess to give away. If you don't mind the poor photo quality and designing skills, we are more than willing to give it to you at no cost. Just indicate on the tag board that you are keen to have a copy and email us your mailing address, and we will mail it to you via post. Never mind that your mailing address is somewhere on the other part of the world.

Please note that the public holidays indicated on the calender is based on Singapore's public holiday. However, if you are keen to have the calender stating public holidays of your country, please inform us beforehand (with calenders starting from the month of June), and we will amend accordingly, as long as we have yet to send it for printing.

Till then.

Sweet Licks,


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

My Human is wondering if she could persuade her bosses in the United States to let her take off Singapore holidays.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Sugar,

I agree with would love to reavh over & scratch that little kitty cats belly....Iused to be scared of cats until I met JB & now they don't bother me much.

The Mommy is a "BUG" trip right now so tonight her gonna blod about butterflies---one attached me today. My next dooe nieghbor Spike was either come rescue me or eat me, I'm not sure which cause he is BIG.

Love ya Mona