The New Dog
Couple of days ago, Rane told me I am going to have a new furmily member. I didn't really think much of it, as Rane often brings home unwanted rabbits and hamsters. However, I got a rude shock yesterday when I saw my new sibling; it's furry and four-legged, but it's neither a hamster nor a rabbit. It's a DOG!!!
After much difficulties and troubles, Rane finally brought the new dog home. Not only was there a miscommunication in timing, and difficulty in searching for an ideal crate, Rane also injured her middle finger while closing the car door (resulting in blood clots), and sprained her ankle while opening the car door. How clumsy can she be! All for the sake of the new
Posh is her name
Like me, the new dog is a tri-coloured female beagle too. She was named Posh by her previous owner. Rane doesn't intend to rename her as she felt that Posh may be confused and may have troubles trying to identify herself.
No one knows exactly when Posh's birthday is but estimates that she's approximately two years of age. Rane is considering choosing a date to fix as Posh's birthday, so that Posh will not be deprived of presents and birthday celebrations.
A Little More about Posh
Rane was initially reluctant to take in another Beagle, since our furmily is rather huge, and is taking up every single big of our tiny house. However, she feels that both Rane, herself and I contributed a little to the existence of Posh.
This was what happened.
2 years ago, when Rane's relative came visiting, I was being put up at Rane's house temporarily as Mage (whom I was supposed to stay with) was away. Impressed at how discipline I was, and the range of tricks that I could perform at a tender age (I was then 5 months old), Rane's relative went straight for a beagle hunt the following week at pet farms, which proved to be a bad decision.
Not only was Posh extremely underage when she was sold (even though the breeder claimed that Posh was 2 months old, our suspicions that Posh was much younger were confirmed when the vet verified so), she wasn't in the most ideal state either.
Posh's Previous Home
Posh's family didn't take too well to her as they were either afraid of her or had little time for her. As a result, she wasn't housebroken, and wasn't paper trained. Her running space cum crate/home cum 'toilet' was an (approximately) 3 feet x 3 feet fenced area in the balcony.
Heading to her New Home
A few days before, Posh's owners told her that she would be given away, and that she has to behave herself. Since that day, Posh hardly ate her dinner, even till last night. She probably understands what her owners meant, and was feeling pretty down about it.
Posh's New Home
Ever since Posh stepped
It's not just me, even Guni the angora bunny has been unhappy with her presence too. Whenever Posh went poking her nose into Guni's cage and attempted to sniff her, Guni would thump her feet hard in anger and glare fiercely at Posh.
Tehxi, the other bunny also looks at Posh warily each time Posh passes by her cage. Other times, Tehxi will be on all four as if she's ready to charge at Posh .
Posh is behaving everything like a country bumpkin; she's curious about all the things around h er. Even the terrapin crawling around her tub, and vegetables that are fresh from the fridge amuses her!
Thus I have decided that the problem lies with Posh, and not us.
Rane's Words
The Very Sore Sugar
Before bringing Posh home yesterday, we allowed both Posh and Sugar to meet at a neutral ground. However, Sugar was clearly unhappy that Mage was handling Posh instead of her, and whined sadly.
Things became worse when we brought Posh home. Sugar has been really upset about it; she probably feels that Posh is intruding her space cum privacy, and snatching the love and attention of her loved ones.
From the very moment we brought Posh home, Sugar hardly wags her tail nor she smile. (It's hard to describe how dogs exactly smile, but I believe dog owners can easily identify when their dogs are smiling or frowning, though to amateurs, it may seem as though they are displaying the same expression.) This was very unlike her.
She no longer shows interest in her toys, and she doesn't trot around the house happily as she used too. The worse thing is she doesn't even beg! Not that we like her to beg, but she's displaying a behaviour that is very unlike her. All she does all day long is to sit near us, and watch Posh's every move in a resigned manner.
Anyone has any idea as to how to improve their relationship and cheer that poor little Sugar up?
Any suggestion of any kind is welcomed.
Updates of Boy Boy and Ah Pui
Updates of Boy Boy and Ah Pui
On hindsight, both Boy Boy and Ah Pui are already adopted by the same person, but it's not the someone that we had mentioned previously. Thus this will probably be the last update we have on the both of them, as we personally do not know their new owners.
Sorry about the over-sized pictures, but we are having problems trying to edit them.
Ah Pui.Sorry about the over-sized pictures, but we are having problems trying to edit them.