Friday, May 16, 2008

The Price of Loving Animals I

Last night, I heard Rane lamenting "I feel like fainting, just looking at my to-do list for the little furries." Thus, I've decided to take a peek at her organiser and this was what I saw.

Clean, wash and sterilise the bunnies' cage and clear the shit. (x4 Bunnies)
Cut bunnies' nails. (X4 x3)
Book an appointment with the groomer for the bunny (Guni).
Send the bunny (Guni) for grooming.
Comb the bunnie's to get rid of matted fur. (x4)
Check the bunnies' teeth to ensure they are not overgrown. (x4)

Clean, wash and sterilise the hamster cage.
Play with the hamster more often to familiarise ourselves with each other.

Bring the terrapin (Edge) for sunbath.

Research on quality cat food.
Stock up on cat food.

Shop for a new crate for the (new) dog
Bring the (new) dog back home.
Train the (new) dog to ensure she understands commands.
(Problem when you are getting an adult dog who's not trained at all.)
Ensure the (new) dog is housebroken.
Socialise the (new) dog.
Arrange for the (new) dog to be sterilised.
Register the (new) dog with the authorities.
Ensure the 2 dogs get along. *faints*
Book an appointment with the vet to vaccinate both dogs.
Bring both dogs for vaccination.
Clean the dogs' ears to rid them of infection.
Bathe both dogs.
Place an order for a water dome.

Poor Rane. She's almost always occupied with our matters, and/or thinking of us that she hardly has time for herself. Even when her friends ask her out at times, she's gotta place us in first priority, especially if any one of us is sick and needs medication. It'll be worse if any of us (animals) require her constant attention, like Winter who's incapable of feeding himself, requires medication daily, and soils his bottom often.

Such is the life of an animal lover, I guess. It comes at a price.



Wow your mum has a lot of animals!! Our mum always puts us first too. If ever anyone asks her out after work she always says she has to come home and walk and feed us first.

e said...

Hi Rane and Sugar
Nice to meet you.
I came over from Kess's blog. Sad to hear about the beagle that was mistreated.

I would love to hear how your two dogs get on.

We will be introducing another one here to Fei pretty soon.

Fei and her human, E

SotongFurkids said...

Faintx !!!! So much work to do ?
Twister & Furby

Kess And Her Mama said...

Cheers to Rane! Sugar, what an incredible animal-loving human you have.

Like Jazz & Dixie's mum, my humans always think about walking me too. Aren't we a blessed lot!