Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fur & Vacuum

Somehow, there's this thing between the furries and the vacuum cleaner in my house.

First it's Crunchie the Bunny.

Then, it's Posh the (Kitty) Beagle.

My humans did not make the furries pose with the vacuum cleaner. The furries just seek comfort in lying in between/by it.

Anyone knows of any vacuum cleaner company who's keen to hire them as Spokesman ... No, I mean Spokes-Fur? We'll gladly oblige for some dog food/treats, or better still, human food!

Sweet Licks,


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Whoah, you're so brave being near the monster....don't you know it eats stuff like dawgs n wabbits?? Unless you have managed to tame it, have you? How?? That is one gnarly bunny too...dude....respect!
Slobbers xx

River said...

That's amazing. We have to attack the vacuum. We even attack the broom. So my mom has to lock us away to clean house. I think you all would make great Spokesfurpeople.

love & wags,

Ice Pony Girl said...

You are a very brave beagle! My Molly hates the vacuum and runs to hide when I use it.

Please join our beagle list, it's free and a great way to meet other beagle owners.

It's called Happy Tails, it's a Yahoo!Groups list.

Here's a link

Hope to see ya there!

Molly, beagle
Lucy, Aussie Kelpie

i said...

Cute pose! Hehehe...I usually steer clear of the vacuum cleaner.

Just dropping in to say thank you for the lovely card!

Kelli said...

That's amazing! I can't believe you are that close to the vacuum! I head for high ground whenever Owner Girl brings ours out!

Mino said...

weee u guys r back!! ahhhhwooooFFF...shit i cant howl..

snoutbeagle said...

Hi Sugar and Posh,

I love how brave Posh is by the vacuum. Neither of us are that brave. We steer clear and curl up in the farthest away dog bed or crate as that thing makes it's way around the house. Marvin has attempted to get close to it though. He's a bit more fearless.

Why did you call Posh (kitty)? Does Posh have cat-like tendencies? Marvin *definitely* does.

Diesel and Marvin

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Sugar & Posh
Posh I hope you and Crunchie find some work. Think of all the extra goodies you would get.
Have a good weekend.
Love Ruby

Sugar the Beagle said...

To: Dughallmor Beagles

Yeahs, the vacuum monster is indeed scary, so we'll only creep up to it when it's asleep. However Posh is the bravest of us all; she doesn't mind being 'sucked' by the vacuum cleaner! She's had her paws in the vacuum's mouth lotsa times!

To: River

Hahas! Looks like you really dislike the 'housekeeping guys'.

To: Ice Pony Goddess

Okays! We'll join the beagle list when we've got a Yahoo account.

To: Happy

You're most welcome!

Hope you have a warm and blessed christmas.
