Sunday, January 11, 2009


Posh Dearest has been hospitalised since Friday evening and she has been on IV drip since. This was what happened.

Friday 9th January 2009


I received a phone call from my mum informing me that Posh has vomited four times since noon.


My father called me on my mobile and asked me to return home asap to take a look at Posh as she has vomited yet another time.


In between this period of time, Posh puked yet another two times. Posh looked really lethargic and started lying on her side in her pee tray. She neither lifted her head when my father entered the door nor did she walk towards my parents to beg for food when they were eating. She didn't even respond when they called her name. This was very unlike her and my parents were scared stiff. My father asked if I could bring her to the vet, but the clinic was closed for the afternoon for surgeries.

Posh lay on her pee tray and refused to come out of it even after coaxing her. I guess she was either too weak or she was afraid she will not make it back to the pee tray in time to puke.


I dropped by the supermarket to buy a bottle of Heinz Baby Food's Apple Juice to increase her glucose level and to hydrate her. She refused to drink water that my mum gave her.


Posh puked that very little bit of Apple Juice I fed her (approximately 3 tablespoonful). In fact, she puked 3 times.


Looking at how weak and tired she was, I carried her to the small little mattress that she usually lie on. There, I realised that a small part of the mattress was stained with puke. Sighs.

Posh lying on her small mattress after we changed the cover.


Once again, I fed her with Apple Juice but she vomited it out on two separate occasions, just 15 minutes after consuming it.

I've counting down for 6.45pm since 3 o'clock. Time always seem to pass much slower when you're anxious and/or worried.

We finally reached the vet clinic after Posh vomited twice in the car.
She has vomited a total of 15 times before seeing the doctor, and she vomited another 2 -3 times after she got admitted to hospital.

Sorry for the blurred picture. Posh was a little unsettled in the consultation room.

Posh's details @ her 'ward'.

Being the typical beagle, Posh couldn't stop sniffing an 'un-sniffed' area.

Posh, wondering why she was caged up in an unfamiliar place.

Posh with IV drip.

Posh was wearing the e collar as she looked like she will potentially remove the IV drip by herself.

Posh was smart to puke by the corners and sides, just so that the middle of the cage where she lies in, remains clean.

Posh was still vomiting when I visited her on yesterday (10 January 2009). Though the frequency of her vomiting has reduced significantly, but it was still a cause for worry.

I spoke to the vet and she mentioned that there could be few possibilities behind her vomit, which I'll blog about it in my next post.

It really pains me to see her suffering so much; from a greedy and restless dog, she became a listless dog who hasn't stop vomiting since 2 days ago. I really hope that it's nothing serious.

Posted by
(Sugar and Posh's Human)


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Oh no! We really hope Posh gets well soon and your vet gets to the bottom of it, poor Posh and poor you, you must be so worried. We'll be back to see how she's getting on, sending good vibes your way and lots of love and healing slobbers xx

Ice Pony Girl said...

Oh dear! Poor baby!! Sending Reiki to sweet Posh. {{{HUGS}}}

Any updates?

Happy Tails Beagle List

Lorenza said...

I hope the vet will help her to get better soon!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs

Mino said...

oh no get well soon posh..

Sugar the Beagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sugar the Beagle said...

Thank you all for your concern.

We brought her for x-ray and ultrasound today.

Foreign bodies was detected in her stomach and small intestines, which will require surgery to remove.

P.S. The previous comment was left, and then removed by me as there was a typing error which I couldn't edit.

- Rane -

Ice Pony Girl said...

Poor baby!! When will she go for her surgery? Reiki sent!!