Monday, January 12, 2009

Sick Dogs

For the whole of Friday, Saturday and in the wee hours of Sunday, my entire family has been worried about Posh's condition. It doesn't help when Posh still continues to suffer from chronic vomiting, despite being hospitalised and medicated.

Sugar on the weighing scale.

She has successfully shed off another 1.1kg.
Another 2.7kg to go before she hits the ideal weight

For the past 72 hours, we've been told loads of reasons and possibilities that may contribute to her condition. We have to remain sane so as to make decisions with the minimal knowledge we have of veterinary medicine.

Every single decision is crucial; it's a matter of life and death. We can't afford to make any harsh or rush decision that leads to any mistakes or sufferings, will be bore by Posh. Posh's life is in our hands.

It doesn't help when Sugar falls ill during this trying period of time. She started vomiting on Sunday afternoon and didn't stop until the 6th time. By then, I was worried sick that I sent her in to the veterinarian.

Sugar waiting at the vet.

The veterinary clinic was packed like it always was on a typical Sunday. I arrived at 3.30pm and I saw the veterinarian only 3 hours later. I was supposed to leave the clinic at 5pm for an important class that starts at 6pm, but I decided that my furries' life are more important than my lessons.

Sugar stretch her neck long at the sight of ...

This Jrt

Moreover, I simply don't feel at ease without being present at the time of consultation, even though my boyfriend, Mage was around to help out. I guess that was mainly because I wanted to discuss with the doctor regarding Posh; the procedures to be carried out, the treatment plan and the risks involved.

I really do not want to make a decision that will make me feel guilty for the rest of my life.
Moreover, I needed to be assured in person that Sugar is doing fine in general, which she is. I do not want to go through the same emotional roller coaster with Sugar, the same way I did with Posh. And I'm thankful that the suspected cause of her vomiting is Gastritis. The best thing was, Sugar never puked the 7th time.

While at the clinic, we accompanied Posh for a short moment while waiting for Sugar's turn to see the doctor. The sight of her looking so weak and listless while lying in the cage helplessly, makes my heart break. I'll never forget the expression which she cast on me; it's an expression that no words can fully describe. Miserable was the word I thought of.

Posh looking Miserable

I used to be mad at how greedy Posh was; from the way she tags us when we walk around preparing food (for both human and animals) to the way she stares pitifully and paw us for food while we're having our meals. Now, I really miss the 'little beggar'. I'd rather have a healthy greedy dog, than a sickly dog who pukes at every single thing that goes down her throat, be it food or water.

We lay the car seats with pee pads and floor boards with cardboards, just in case Posh vomits.

After Sugar's consultation, we discharged Posh for the night, just so that we can bring her in early to the hospital early Monday morning for x-rays to be done. I was taught briefly on what to watch out for while Posh was on the IV drip at home. I was also taught how to handle it if the liquid stops dripping, and how to increase or decrease the speed of IV drip, just in case any of the above mentioned happens after we return home.

Having to bring Posh home with an IV drip on, was a sorry sight. It caught the attention of many other pet owners and strangers while we walked out of the clinic, towards the car. Some were frowning while many were whispering, probably 'discussing' about what happened to Posh and how serious a state she was in.

As expected, Posh vomited during the car ride.

Soon after we reached home, Posh started to poo twice with some blood. The same 'foreign object' that she vomited out earlier the day at the clinic, was also spotted in the poo. I really wondered what was the foreign object that she had ingested.

Just a few hours ago, Posh vomited another two times. She threw up so many times over the past few days, I've lost count of the total number of times she has puked. Shortly after, she started shivering. She shivered so hard that her body trembled from head to toe. Her breathing deepened as well.

After calling up the veterinarian, we decided to give her a little time for the 'shivering' to go off. Meanwhile, we covered her with a towel and kept checking that she was alright. We were to send her straight to the emergency clinic, only if her condition worsens. Otherwise, we do not want to stress her unnecessarily with the car ride to the emergency clinic, especially when Posh gets car sick easily.

Posh with her IV drip in the car.

Even though it's 3.30am Singapore time right now, I still try my best to stay awake, just so that I can check on Posh every now and then. Luckily, her condition seems to 'stabilised'. She no longer shivers. Each time she closes her eyes to sleep, I quickly jump in to check that she's still alive and breathing. I think I'm getting a little overly anxious but I just wanted to be sure.

I guess I should also go get some sleep, so that I can remain clear minded. I can't afford to get myself worn out so fast, so easily. This is going to be a long battle. I've got to get myself on the recovery road too, as I'm down with a bad bout of flu, along with nose and throat infection.

This certainly isn't the best way to start the year. Therefore, we should all aim to be in the pink of health for the coming months and months. Keep your fingers and paws crossed for us. I'll update you guys on the results of the x-rays and the diagnosis when they are out.

(once again) by

(human of Sugar and Posh)


Life With Dogs said...

We are so sorry to hear this. Please get well soon and know that our thoughts are with you.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Sugar also felt sick?? OMD!
I will have my paws crossed until you tell of everything is ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

bagel said...

Hey hope the wonderful 2 gets well soon and have a wonderful recovery. Will keep them in prayers. In the mean time do take care of yourselves too.

Sugar the Beagle said...

Thank you all for your kind comments. It helped us to overcome the most trying period.

We are glad that with the x-rays and ultrasound scans, we were able to detect the cause behind her chronic vomiting.

Meanwhile, we hope that the surgery (which is schedule for tonight) will be carried out smoothly without complications.

I'll update again when the surgery is over, and after Posh's condition has stabilised.

- Rane -

River said...

We are thinking of you and sending many beagle hugs. How terrible for Sugar and Posh to be ill. We hope it will pass very quickly and they can feel better in the new year.

love & wags,
River & mom

Kess And Her Mama said...

Oh no...Hope both gals recover soon!

i said...

We're so sorry to hear this. Get well soon, Posh! Will be keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hi Rane, and Sugar & Posh. We have something for you over at our place....we know you've got alot on and we're not expecting you to post about it, we just wanted to let you know that you have friends who are thinking of you and wishing you well, though you don't need an award to know that!
We're keeping everything crossed for a speedy recovery and will be on the lookout for updates...get well soon girls!
Love and slobbers xx

Eduardo said...

Hi Sugar & Posh. My name is Eduardo, I came over from River's blog. I would like to put you on my goodvibes list on my blog & also add you to my snuggle buddies list, so we can be friends. You are in my Mommy's prayers & my snuggles, it's always something sad when a pup is sick. But we will continue on(with the snuggles & prayers) till y'all get better!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Duke said...

We were just at River's blog and read about you guys! We are sending major AireZen to both of you! We hope you both get well soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Sugar & Posh
Oh no. I hope Posh's surgery is quick and without complications. I will keep my paws crossed for you. Take care of yourself mom. You need to keep your strengh up.
Get well soon.
Love Ruby

Raising Addie said...

We're sooo sorry that you guys are sick.

It sounds like you both are being taken care of really well. We will keep our paws crosses for you for a quick recovery.

Luv & Kisses
Addie and family

Unknown said...

This is all very distressing ... we came over here from River's blog and have to send out best wishes for speedy recoveries. Take care of your doggies!

Sophie Brador said...

We sure hope you feel better soon.


Lacy said...

w00f's, me shure hopes u 2 git well soon, me will keep u in me thoughts and prayers...

git well,

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Sorry to hear that, I hope you gals get well soon.

slurpy licks,

Snowball said...

I am sorry to hear about Posh. Have you thought of sending her for a second consultation? From the pictures, I guess Posh must be in MP right? Make sure you consult the right vet. Or if you are there in the day time on Monday, Wednesday or Saturday, try to talk to Dr Oh, who give acupuncture treatment there, to see what he think and whether alternative treatment will do Posh any good.


Asta said...

Dear Rane,
Mommi and I awe so sowwy to wead about all youw sweet Posh's and Sugaw's health pwoblems..We will be pwaying and cwossing ouw fingews and paws so that Posh can get bettew and Sugar stays well
love and smoochie kisses

Princess Patches said...

We sure hope both of you doggies are going to be fine! We will keep all of our paws crossed for you!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Amber-Mae said...

We heard that you both were not feeling well. You poor things. We really hope you girls get better soon. We are so worried...

Squeaky clean after a bath,
Solid Gold Dancer