Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Miserable 3rd Birthday

Remember how I would like to celebrate my 3rd Birthday, as mentioned on my Resolution in Year 2009?

It's gone down the drain. The worse thing is, almost everyone forgot about it. Rane only know that it was my birthday after realising that it's the month of February now. Then she guiltily sang me a birthday song.

A very sad me.

To think she started borrowing books and surfing websites since last year, to search for recipes on baking a birthday cake and cookies for my birthday pawty. All thanks to Posh; she kept all of us so worried and busy, we didn't have time to plan nor carry out a birthday pawty.


Luckily Rane decided to make up for it by promising to bring me out (alone without Posh of course) for a nice meal and a long walk. I secretly hope she'll bring me to the beach though.

Sweet Licks,
The Sad Birthday Girl


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Darling Sugar! Your birthday must be near Alfie's, 29th Jan? We didn't even notice the ticker in your sidebar (we see it now :o() We are sorry to hear you had a miserable day....maybe you could celebrate a belated birthday and combine it with the fact that you are both feeling better :o)
Paws crossed for the beach eh?
Extra hugs and slobbers xx

Abby said...

AWWWW!! Happy Birfday, Sugar!!

Barks, barks and licks,

Abby, Olivia and Taz

Lacy said...

w00f's Sugar and Posh, me sorry they furgot ur barkday..but me guesses they wuz soo worried bout u pups they coodnt help iz shure they will make it up now...

b safe,

pps, dont b sad!!!

Kess And Her Mama said...

Oh no...Never mind Sugar. Hope Rane makes it up to you big time! Beach and treats better be in the cards.

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Happy Barkday Sugar!!!
Aww...dont be sad, Im sure Rane want to has a MASS celebration for you, mayb she is preparing a secret pawty for you.

Cheer babe!!

Extra slurpy licks,

i said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Sugar! I'm sure your humans would make it up to you soon enough! Here's a hug for you!

Glad to hear Posh is doing fine now. That was scary. LS said she has read that wool and yarn are bad for dogs' intestines.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, how could they forget your birthday? Hopefully the next time, they don't. Poor you...

Boogie Woogie,
Solid Gold Dancer


Hi Sugar,
Sorry to hear that your birthday was forgotten. I hope that you did get to go out alone with your mum for a nice walk to the beach. And that you got a few extra treats.