Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sugar's and Posh's Progress

Dear All,

It's me, Sugar the Beagle again. Though I'm still under medication, I have more or less recovered. I no longer vomit nor diarrhoea excessively.

Posh's wound has also healed nicely. No secondary infections (as yet). She still has to be monitored closely.

As Posh hasn't been consuming any food since she was admitted to the hospital, food has to be slowly reintroduced, starting from semi solid food.

We had to purchase canned food that was prescribed by the doctor and mashed it up with water so that it will be easier for Posh to digest. Initially, we fed her 4 to 5 teeny tiny meals a day, with each meal consisting 2 spoonfuls of food.

This is Posh's expensive canned food. I love eating it just as much! I kinda wish I was sick too.

Posh was recommended to eat (only) half a can of food each day. However, that was insufficient for ever so greedy hungry beagle. She started whining/barking/howling each time somebody eats or enters the kitchen. She was such an annoying dog!

From there, her meal portion was slowly increased. To date, she is eating almost 1 canned food. Posh currently weighs slightly over 10kg (approximately 22 pounds). Both Rane and the vet felt that Posh is too skinny for her size.

Now, there's some bad news. Posh has an attack of diarrhoea. It was so bad, we had to clear up after her 8 times! Rane will be bringing her to the vet later in the afternoon. We'll keep everyone updated about her condition.

Sweet Licks,
Sugar the Beagle


Lorenza said...

I hope everyting goes well!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Happy, happy, happy to hear all the good news...but then...oh no, the squirts! Hope it's nothing serious :o)
Slobbers xx

Ice Pony Girl said...

Poor Posh! Glad Posh is starting to fell better.


Ice Pony Girl said...

Sending XOXOXOX to Posh!

River said...

I hope they can help Posh. It sounds like she needs some pepto bismol. Do you have that available? It's okay to give it to dogs. Or even Immodium. She may have colitis or the bacteria thing again.

love & wags,