Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dining Out

Oh my, I can't believe that I haven't been updating the blog in the whole of November! Okay, I shall make up for it by updating more frequently this month. I'll go blog visiting too, give us a little time ya!

Two Saturdays ago, Posh and I were happy and excited when Rane dressed herself up before leaving home; we had thought that she was gonna bring us out. But boy, we were so wrong. Rane was going for music lessons and we couldn't tag along. Posh was SO disappointed, she couldn't stop whining pitifully as we sent Rane to the door.
Rane & Mage ordered Beef with Brown Rice and Chicken Macroni with Herbs for us. In the end, they mixed both the dishes together, just so that we can have a taste of both.

Feeling guilty & a little sad to leave us behind, Rane and Mage decided to come back for us in the evening, just to bring us out for dinner. You can't imagine how touched I was. I bet it must have been Posh's whining. I have decided to learn how to whine as miserably like her!

Rane made us pose for a picture before giving us permission to eat. Look at how greedy Posh is! She couldn't stop licking and drooling!

Us, savouring every single bit of the food!

As food were served in plastic containers, the containers couldn't stop moving each time we licked from them.

In the end, we went in rounds just to have our dinner.

Even under the chair!

Poor Posh had a hard time 'picking' the cherry tomatoes that were stuck firmly to the bottom of the container.

The careless me had dropped so much food on the ground, I had to lick them up bit by bit.

I didn't even realised that I've dropped an elbow macroni. In the end, Posh benefited from my loss!

Look at all the spots on the floor, they are left behind by our drool~

Posh the greedy pooch, ate up all the food that I deemed un-delicious. I've decided to term her 'My Personal Trash Bin'.

A nice sunset, though this picture doesn't justify it.
All thanks to Rane's lousy camera.

After our dinner, it started drizzling. That was when all the snails came crawling out from the ground. On the way to the toilet, Rane has to walk pass several grass patches and pavements. During which, my clumsy human crushed and killed several snails without noticing them previously! It scared the wits out of her!
Seeing how scared she was, I couldn't help but giggled. Hehs.

This is a video that shows us eating in circles, round and round each other.

Important Notice

Rane is helping us (Posh & I) with the Christmas cards for DWB (Dogs with Blog) exchange. We've gotten our first batch of xmas cards printed and greetings written. All that's left is to mail them out. Our printer has run out of ink and we're waiting to purchase a new cartridge before printing the second batch of xmas cards. We've decided to work on the snail mail first, as it takes a longer time to reach our recipients, thus e-cards will be sent out at a later date. Kindly give us a little time to sort them out.

We'll also like to inform you that we will also gladly receive e-cards, though we didn't indicate so previously. Sorry for the inconveniences caused, if any.

For friends (humans and fur/feathers/scales alike) who have missed out the deadline and will still like to receive a christmas cards from us, please email us your residential address (for snail mail) or email address (for e-cards). We are more than happy to send you a card this Christmas, irregardless of whether you are a member of DWB. We promise not to use your address for any other purposes.

Sugar the Beagle


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hey're back....we missed you! Heh, Posh is a cool the pics of you chasing your food bowls around, you're so lucky having doggy dining out....nothing like that here, boohoo! Our humans take us for a walk then go and feed their own faces with cakes!!!!
Good to see ya, slobbers xx

Dughallmor Beagles said...

It's us again Sugar, we have an award for you, come by and pick it up any time!
Slobbers xx

Cocoa the Beagle said...

We missed you gals! What a wholesome dinner you've had!

Cocoa and Barley